I want to made this post with English, but I'm super dumb at it.
So I will writr in Bahasa.
Maksud gue sebenernya mau pake bahasa Inggris biar bisa di baca sama fans Star Wars diluar sana, tapi karna gue terlalu "kurang pintar" berbahasa Inggris jadinya pake bahasa Indonesia.
Di Indonesia mungkin kurang populer kali ya. Mungkin beberapa ada pengekoleksi barang-barang Star Wars di Indonesia. Jadi gini, gue bakal mulai dengan cerita pertama kali gue tau film Star Wars.
So, I will told you some story from my past, the first time I met Star wars.
Berawal dari gue beli kaset PS2 pas gue masih kecil banget dan ga ngerti apa-apa. Beranjak udah gede, gue suka buka memecenter. Disana tempat-tempat nya para meme, dan suka ada meme "You are the chosen one." "NNNOOOOO" dari Star Wars karna gue kepo. Jadi pas liburan kenaikan kelas, gue beli dvd Star Wars, gue pikir udah nggak dijual. Ternyata bisa di pesen, dan cuma sehari udah nyampe. Akhirnya gue pesen dan langsung gue tonton.
Started from me bought PS2 StarWars game, and I understand nothing. SO, a years has gone. And I recently open memecenter. There was somany meme, and Star Wars mem like :You are the chosen one" "NNNNOOOOOO" form Star Wars scene. And when long holiday, i bought Star Wars dvd, i think isn't for sale anymore. I was wrong, luckily, I can order the Star Wars dvd. SO I Bought it and watch it.
Yang gue inget cuma General Grievous, soal nya di game dia keren banget.
The first thing I rememebered about Star Wars is General Grievous, because he is so cool in games.
I think I'm done with this post, sorry for my very poor English.
May The Force Be With You
Vader. You must confront Vader. Then, only then, a jedi you will be... and confront him you will.
BalasHapusHAHAHAHAHA miss ya bro